Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Front cover- Draft 1

Draft- Front cover
This is my draft of the front cover.  Being able to go back and improve it is helpful to me as it means I can make things more appealing and change things that have gone wrong.  I am pleased with the colour palette and the composition, however I am not very happy with the image as it does not fit the screen.  I will have to retake this image so that the finished cover is suitable.  It does not need anything added to it as it includes the conventions of a magazine front cover: masthead, sell lines, essential information, headline, strap line and even a buzzword. I have used alliteration (results revealed) and exclamation marks which engage the reader before they read the rest of the text.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Blog Posts Feedback

The draft of my blog was marked by my lecturer and there is some work I will need to do it:

- Explain the reason why certain tasks are relevant and useful.  This includes tasks such as the Mood Board and the assessing of previous students' work.
- Create a timetable to help me with my time management.
- Explain how certain tasks would help me when it came to constructing my own  magazine.

There were particular things that were regarded as strengths.  These included:

- The integration of videos
- The deconstructions were detailed.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Photos for main task

These are the pictures I have taken for my magazine.  Not all of them will be featured in the final product and I will say why I will not be using them.  The ones I have chosen are also featured here and I will explain why I have chosen that image.

Front cover image

The image on the left does not look right for a front cover as there is not enough space between myself and the guitar.  The middle image will be tried out on my first draft, however if it is not suitable, I will use the image on the right instead.  The last photo would definitely work as it would fit well in the middle of the page.

Contents page images

The first image of myself will not be used as it includes less colour than the picture on the right.  This image will be used instead as it includes green and blue, not just green.  The images of the guitar and piano are perfect for my magazine as they have the right amount of lighting to make the props stand out.  The guitar will need to be cut around however as that is all that needs to be focused on.

Double page spread images


The first image at the top is not suitable for my magazine as it does not show enough space, whereas the image on the right does, therefore that is the one I will use.  On the bottom row, the image on the right is the one I will choose because, once again, it shows more space and having me facing my right looks better considering it will be on the right sided page of the double page spread.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Image Gathering

This is the area of my house in which I will be taking the picture of the piano.  The image will be taken from above and the flash on the camera will increase the brightness which means that I will not need to rely on the light from the window which the piano is next to.

The guitar is limited in its colours, making it fitting for my cover as it will not take a huge amount of attention away from the rest of the items on the page.

This is the area of my house where an image will be taken of me for the contents page.  Only the wall will be visible to give the impression that it is outdoors, connoting the sociable life of artists.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Organisation contacts

This is evidence that I have contacted a relative about lending equipment and props.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Recce and Photoshoot planning

The Recce photo shoot planning

Photo shoot planning