Eventful. That's one way to describe the year Ben Carter has had. His latest album shot straight to number one and his sell out tour was the event of the summer. But just what does he have to say about it all? We sat down with the songwriter to get an insight into life on the road, chart success and what word best describes him...
How has the last year been for you?
With the tour it's been very quick. I haven't had time to think. I'm extremely grateful to all of my fans and cannot express how much their support over the last year has meant to me. To be honest, I don't think the singles would have been released so quickly had it not been for them. It has been a wild year and I don't see how future years will top it.
Was the tour stressful at all?
You know, life on the road is hard. It's like getting on and off a bus at the same place. That's not to say I did not enjoy it- I absolutely loved it. I keep getting people asking me what the best arena was or where was the best crowd and I just told them that I didn't know. When you are up on the stage performing you are concentrating so hard on pleasing your audience that you don't actually realize what is going on in front of your own eyes. I loved every minute of the tour and can't wait to do it all over again!
What word sums you up perfectly?
Prepared. I know that sounds like a boast but it isn't. I like to be ready for anything unexpected.
What do you feel makes the album so unique?
The fact that it is all either personal or inspired. People can tell that. The fact that it is not plain pop music makes it stand out. I worked very hard on it and am glad that it all payed off. I was prepared from criticism but I'm overwhelmed at the praise. The style is something I focused very heavily on. It wasn't all naturally me- I did have some inspiration!
Where do you get inspiration from?
I was really inspired by Elton John when I was younger, but I ended up listening more to The Rolling Stones and The Beatles. The reason for that was because I wanted to write music that was a mixture of the two bands. I'll never forget though how the music I originally listened to has impacted me. It really contributed to my passion for music. A lot of artists might want to start from scratch and develop their own type of music, but it's not a crime to be inspired. In fact it's better because your love of music grows and grows until their is no other career choice you could even consider.
What is the next move you plan on making in your career?
I will take a short break then start working on the next album. I would like to work with some other artists on the next one so I can travel to places I've never been before and meet new people. I have even thought of doing a bit of jazz on the next album, as long as people don't think that is too much of a change for me. I'd hate to think I had lost interest from fans.
You're not going to make us wait too long for the next album are you?
No. It will be out within the next few years. What people need to remember is that the longer they wait, the more it will be worth it!