Saturday, 20 September 2014

Developing and highlighting proposal

The music magazine I'm going to be creating will be on the pop genre.  The focus of the issue will be myself.  I will be an artist whose work is similar to that of singer/songwriter, Ed Sheeran.  Magazines such as 'Clash' and 'Q' inspired me as they featured just one artist on their cover and it looked better. 

Both males and females would read my magazine, but the target audience would be mainly females as they are the biggest fans of pop music.  It will focus more on subtle music and singers- not just excitable, extravagant ones.  The audience would also enjoy going to gigs and music festivals.  I will follow the conventions across the cover, contents and d.p.s.  The cover will include a masthead in the top centre.  The sell lines will be situated on the left and right.  The headline will be over the image with a strapline below it.  The barcode, date, price and issue number will be out of focus.  The contents page will have the essential list of features and articles and the double page spread will have an interview.  The actual interview will be on the right page, whilst the dominant image will be on the left page alongside the headline.  I might not necessarily use a lot of buzzwords, but they are not a major convention anyway. 

Images in the magazine will not be overloaded.  The cover will have one picture of myself with a guitar.  This is highlighting the article on the double page spread which will use similar images.  The contents will have images showing off other features of the issue, which I will need to take into consideration when conducting my photo shoots.  One of the contents images will be of me as the editor of the magazine.  Because there may be some difficulties, such as losing documents, I will need to have a computer saved version of the document and a copy on a memory stick.  This will mean that my work is safe, especially if it has also been uploaded to my blog.

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