Sunday, 21 September 2014

Marking previous work task

This was a group task that involved looking at previous students work, assessing it and then giving it a grade.  Some of the areas we looked at included the layout, the relevance of images and the use of language and register.  It has made me consider the images I use and that they must be relevant and creative.  

Taking a shoot on location instead of all the images being taken in front of a wall makes it more diverse and interesting.  The contents page needs to have a lot of listings so that it has a more professional image.  The images I use on the cover and double page spread will be of me, but the contents page will include others.  From looking at previous work, it is clear that the contents is vital in hooking the reader as it relies strongly on persuasive text.

Above: A picture of the group conducting the task

The example our group looked at was graded C/B.  It was satisfactory, but was let down by its contents page and poor lighting.  Some of the images did not seem relevant or purposeful either.

Looking at this example of work alongside the mark scheme helped me to understand how good the quality must be for a certain grade.  I can see from looking at the requirements for the top grades that a lot of work must go into the design and that the tools on Photoshop must be used effectively.

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