This task involved me designing a double page spread article. The article included a title, a strapline, a kicker, drop caps, pull quotes, images, sub headings and a byline. I found the task quite easy, however from my lecturers comments on my work, I have found that I made some mistakes. I used two letters for the drop caps when I should have only used one. Also, I designed the article on one landscape page instead of two portrait pages. I have learnt from these errors for when I come to design my magazine.
Lecturer Comments: 'B. I love the fact that you have used puns and that you understand the conventions of d.p.s design- such as pull quotes, drop caps (although only the first letter should be a capital) bold font and banners. You also have a good article style- you write well but should work on writing more to ensure that your product looks professional. You have also included appropriate images to your article. Make sure that your columns do not cross the lines as this would not happen in a professional magazine'.
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